Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2022

The rain

The previous Sunday, I was in a café, on the hill of a large city of Athens, when suddenly there was a heavy rain, a storm. In a few minutes, the image of all of Athens, spread out like a carpet under the café, had disappeared and everything outside the windows had turned white, like fog.

It was something special and quite interesting, which you don’t often find in the city because the place where I was, had trees around and low vegetation, as if I was in the countryside.

I thought that I don’t like walking in the rain and in general I don’t like bad weather and winter. I prefer summer, company with the sea.

However, my mind went to the parts of Pelion in winter, a place I love all seasons of the year.
The rain also has its share in our beautiful memories!

Everyone inside the café was looking at the windows, some people were making phone calls, just like me. I called my daughter because I was worried. She had also gone out for coffee. Fortunately everything was all right!

Where we were sitting, the ceiling was dripping water in some places and we were careful not to get wet. So we pulled out our chairs, although the café was huge and there was no particular problem.

When it stopped raining after a while, I was relieved. Finally calm!

“It’s storm but it will pass”, said my husband.
This is how it happens in our lives, or it should happen like this. We are patient with the difficulties and wait for the best days to come!

Anthoula P. Veziri

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