Πέμπτη 24 Μαρτίου 2022

The London Book Barge –
Word on the Water

A good book

Many times readers wonder what the good book is or if what they are reading is the right one to help them become better people. Others have a preference for books of a certain type and style, so they  reject all the rest.

There are many types of books, depending on their content and the purpose for which they were written: science, medicine, history, psychology, art, and generally specialized books in a scientific field. There are also books of literature, novels, short novels, short stories, detective stories, science fiction, but also books of poetry.

Books are usually selected and read according to the needs and interests of the reader. For example, a doctor will read medical books, a teacher a pedagogical, a lawyer a low book and somehow every professional will seek knowledge and information in the field that interests him. Nevertheless, a book has to do with the time being read as well as the emotional need of the reader. For this reason it is observed that in the summer when people are on vacation and are more relaxed, they prefer mainly pleasant books, in terms of content and mental requirements, in order to relax and feel good and happy. Then it makes sense for someone who is tired of his work, to want in his free time to relax and read something that will move him or create positive emotions.

In the same way, a magazine, a comic, a children’s book or even a fairy tale, can arouse the interest of an adult, not only for its enjoyable content, but also for its images, if he paints himself.

Therefore, a good book is the one that satisfies and responds to our spiritual, professional, but also emotional needs and interests. When it keeps us company, it travels and entertains us, without a ticket, whenever we want and safely, in real but also imaginary worlds.

Anthoula P. Veziri

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