Δευτέρα 9 Αυγούστου 2021

The Greek summer

The most beautiful season for me is summer. The summer in Greece is wonderful and all Greeks are looking forward to it, to close schools, to take time off work and to go on vacation. So, they rent a room in a hotel or a rented house for a few days, others go to their village, their place of origin, their parents, their friends, their best men or their relatives.

What almost everyone is looking for is the sea. Young and old are poured out on the beaches to swim for hours in its cool and clear blue waters. The sea revives us, creates our well-being and joy, cools us, relaxes and rests us. Access to the beach is always accompanied by a coffee in a plastic cup: frappe, freddo cappuccino, freddo espresso. Ice creams, beers and soft drinks also have their place of honor.

Sunscreens are essential accessories, as well as buckets with shovels, balls, rackets, masks and flippers. Children make the castles of their dreams, which after a while are usually destroyed by the feet of an angry child, to avenge his friend in the game or may be leveled by the waves of the sea.

The beach bars are full mainly of teenagers and young people who want to have fun with their friends or make new acquaintances. The summer music that sounds from the loudspeakers, creates a happy mood and the rhythms become more relaxed. Others prefer the seafood taverns to whet their appetite for lunch.

In summer, even the clothes are lighter and often unnecessary, since you can walk around all day in your swimsuit and barefoot on the sand, without caring if you get your clothes dirty or if you have to change them to do something else or go somewhere else.

The carefreeness and well-being we feel in the summer near the sea, is an important source of positive energy, which we store as a valuable supply for the remaining days that will follow, when the schools reopen, the employees will go to work and everyone will return to their daily activities.

Anthoula P. Veziri

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