Σάββατο 6 Νοεμβρίου 2021

Winter is approaching

We are in the last month of autumn and winter will come soon. The length of the day has shortened considerably and now it is getting dark around five o’clock in the afternoon. The night, which starts very early, creates a feeling of tiredness and sleepiness, prepares you to relax the intense rhythms and lie down to rest. Of course this is not possible most of the time and so you try to continue to finish your work, even if the darkness that spreads around you, challenges you to give up everything and go to sleep.

The weather changes and with it our mood. It gets cold more early in the morning and in the evening. In the mountainous parts of Greece, stoves, fireplaces and radiators have already been lit. The clothes we wear are woollen and we all try to keep warm. Winter and cold restrict our movements and force us to be more closed to ourselves. Transportation is less easy, either because of the weather or our desire to stay home.

The good news is that in our country the sun almost never leaves us, all year round. So, as soon as it appears in the sky, it makes us happy and in a magical way, we find time for a coffee in the square of our neighborhood or near our place of work.

Nevertheless, winter rewards us for our patience and endurance, with the Christmas and New Year celebrations we all look forward to, to rest and rejoice. Every season is different and everything follows the cycle of life. Have a good winter and endure the cold and the challenges of this season that comes as well!

Anthoula P. Veziri

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