Παρασκευή 5 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Ilias Kostis & Katerina - Eleni Kosti

The gift of Santa Claus

Most children wait every year on New Year’s Eve, the gift that Santa Claus will bring them. Many write letters detailing the gift or gifts they want him to bring. Some wonder how Santa Claus manages to give gifts to all the children of the world in one night. There are some kids who don’t believe there’s Santa Claus because they just know the presents are brought by their parents.

Every year in my class, we have the same conversation.

- Madam, is there Santa Claus?

- Of course there is!

- Well, that’s what the madam says!

- What are you talking about, there isn’t!  
   The parents bring the presents!

- Finally, madam, does Santa Claus  
     really exist   or not?

- Santa Claus is not alive now, but his   
exists. When he was alive he distributed all his wealth to the poor, so we today exchange  gifts in his memory.

- There it is! There is Santa Claus!

- He doesn’t exist, it’s a lie!

- Madam, do you believe in Santa Claus?

- Of course I do, and I’ve asked him for my gift, and woe to him if he doesn’t bring it to me!

- What gift did you ask for, madam?

- Oh, I can’t tell you! Have you been good kids  all year?

- Yes, we have.

- Because if you haven’t been, you know what gift Santa Claus will bring you!

- What madam?

- A sack of coals!

- No, no!

And always here all the children and I laugh together. 

Let’s hope that Santa Claus brings to each of us separately and to all of us, the gifts we are waiting for!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Anthoula P. Veziri


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